Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Missionary Fireside

Last Sunday night, March 17th, the ward youth had a youth fireside on missionary work.  Members of the Bishopric, YM and YW leaders who had served missions showed pictures and memorabilia from their missions and spent just a few minutes giving some highlights of their missionary service.  It was a delightful evening!
Here is the display I put together from my mission in Mexico - there are now 10 missions in my old mission
 One of our YW leaders served in Holland and Belgium
 Another of our YM leaders served in Costa Rica!
 Isabella and Jesse model my poncho and a sweater brought back from Mexico nearly 40 years ago!  We had to take the poncho to the cleaners because it had been outside for many years.  The cleaners didn't have a category for poncho's so they categorized it as a horse blanket!

Mom and Chelsea

Scott had the chance to travel to Utah last week to visit with his mother dear and also attend the wedding of a dear friend, Chelsea Warren.
As you can see, the weather was perfect at the Salt Lake Temple.
 Took a picture of the temple from the reflecting pool near by
 Chelsea and Garrett coming out of the temple
 Scott and Craig, Chelsea's big brother...
 and with the beautiful bride herself!
After attending the wedding reception, Scott and his Mom joined the "ladies of AF 4th ward" for their Thursday night game of Mormon Bridge!  Scott's Mom looking good  in the purple sweater on the right.
 Mom and Scott took a tour of the BYU athletic headquarters building - here's the practice field with Mt. Timpanogos in the background.  We ran into AD Tom Holmoe, former star Chad Lewis, and current star Kyle Van Noy
 We also visited the Jensen's - they were the faculty advisor's when Scott went semester abroad in Spain in 1974 - here is a photo from their historical book - Scott standing in the back
 We were a little surprised to see this picture of the BYU Football team with the 13th article of faith quoted around it.  
 We drove south to Payson to see the new temple being built!
 Couldn't help but taking this picture of Mt. Nebo - one of the most prominent peaks in Utah.