Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A Springfield Thanksgiving 2012!!

This Thanksgiving we enjoyed the holiday more than we could imagine! Megan and Jeremy had invited Brigg & Havalah to come to Missouri some time ago and as the year progressed she invited us and Zac & Joy and we were all able to make it - and what a wonderful time we had. It was a real blessing because Zac and Joy announced they were being sent to Germany for 2 years starting next summer so it may be a while before we are all together again. We are so grateful for Megan and Jeremy hosting the Thanksgiving reunion and for the other two families making the sacrifice of driving long distances to be with us! We indeed have much to be thankful for:)
We are posting many pictures: playing outside, playing inside, eating and visiting. Wonderful memories were created - thanks so much!!
Though I don't think I look too much like my Dad, this picture of me from the back looks eerily like the return of the Silver Fox!
Love this picture taking us down memory lane looking for the football pass:)
It was quite nice most days but we still had plenty of inside fun time
We kept the 'hungry hippos' well fed!
Uncle Brigg was a well-used horsey
We ate lots and had some great visits
Silly girls
With our 10 wonderful grandchildren! 
All of us together
What a wonderful few days we spent together!